How she does it

In every great story there is a Hero. A Guide. And one shared objective. Think Luke Skywalker and his Yoda.

This holiday is your story. You are the Hero. Alice will be your Yoda. And together we will achieve that objective: Magical memories & fantastic adventures.

From the opening chapter of this story, Alice will listen & guide you through the warrens and rabbit holes (naturally she knows these well-trodden pathways very well!) leaving no stone unturned. You, the Hero, being the focus throughout this journey. She will take care of all arrangements from arranging your accommodation through to booking all those little extras that make those moments into memories.

Personable & hands-on. No elusivity (she definitely made up that word!). Just exclusivity.

Alice invests her time to ensure your time is best spent. Silencing the pandemonium of internet noise.


The Cheshire Cat: "No wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise… "

- Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carrol -


"I am currently working on three trips with her and the itineraries are amazing. Alice is honest, fun to work with, timely in her responses, can be funky at times with her suggestions which I appreciate and she CARES! She listens to what I want and gives me a wide selection of choices. We have become friends and I smile when I see that there is an email coming in from her."